i want to make a new blogspot, will you follow me to my new one?

donate please~

any and all donations are appreciated. all detonators of $30+ will get a half batch of baked goods or a simple set of false nails. please contact me through MySpace to discuss what you would like in return + your address.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


everything has been happening so fast, or so slow, i can't keep track of the days, let alone hours that i'm awake.
i lose a few days, then one passes that feels like a week.
everything has just been /so/ stressful.
and because of it my blog suffered.
; ~~ ;

i will be starting this one, but Ejote's blog is finished.
i missed too many weeks to feel okay doing it still.
i'll post about her sometimes, but she's all grown up and i don't think her fur is getting any longer.
we're re-potty training her right now.
and we made a hilarious ghetto leash because i can't find her old one.
i'd show pix but i don't have my cord that connects my phone to my laptop.

i will explain that now~

i am a very easily angered girl, annoyed, frustrated, i just get in bad moods so easy.
especially in the winter.
i was diagnosed with depression in 7th grade, anxiety in 10th, and S.A.D in 9th.
[out of order, lol]
S.A.D stands for two things that i know of,
social anxiety disorder, which i believe i have over come.
and seasonal affected disorder.
i most certainly have the latter.

i get /very/ moody in the winter and sometimes unpredictable.
i throw huge tantrums from time to time and get super angry over the smallest things.
it's difficult to be around me.
most of my relationships i have had ended in the winter when i became super cunt.

Aoi has seen me at my worst and has agreed to stay with me if i try harder not to be so unreasonable.

uhm, let's see. where was i.
oh, right.
i became fed up living in my mothers basement, she told me she would try to help me move out on my own. but the money flow isn't flowing our way right now so i was told i'd have to wait or get a job and pay for it myself.
[i plan on getting a job, but i want to /save/ money, not spend it on an apartment]
i was enraged.

but Aoi, the more level headed [and lazier~] of the two of us thought to move in the Beach House.
we own a home out near Grand Haven, it's in Ferrysburg.
and during the winter it just sits there.
we're trying to sell it, but it's not going anywhere. and during the summer we rent it out.
[no one comes to MI in the winter x3]

i didn't like the idea, i grew up here somewhat. but it was either this or basement. so i agreed.

we left with little plan or preparation. as is how we do everything and here we are.

i will take pictures of our home once /everything/ is set up how we want it.
i'm currently in what is called the "Blue Room",
a room on the second floor that was once a toy room for my brother and i.
my bedroom is not acceptable because it doesn't have MY bedframe. and that is the only bed i will sleep in.
i'm a cute brat.

hopefully we'll find someone to help us move within the next few weeks.

we've unpacked all we can for now.
going back to Grand Rapids tomorrow to get more things we forgot.

that's all i can think of for now.


  1. i look forward to seeing the pictures~ : 3

  2. well i hope everything works out best for you. i also look forward to these new photos.

  3. i hope it all works out, too~
    i'm hoping to get all the furniture and stuff soon.
    so many plans, just need to get it into action!
