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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gothic Oshare Kei

Oshare Kei :

what is it?

Ohshare Kei is a Japanese fashion based on being cute, vibrant, colorful and adorable. but it is no where near as annoying as Decora.

it is also a music genre, unlike most VK bands Oshare Kei bands sing about positive messages with upbeat tunes and bright PVs. 

what it is not?

Lolita, Visual Kei, etc. Oshare Kei is its own style. do not call Oshare Kei people VK, they are a sub-version, do not call them Lolita, they are not. if they claim a Oshare Kei is Lolita they are just Ita's.

[Ita, coming from the Japanese word Itai meaning similar to "ouch" basically means "false Lolita" "bad Lolita" "wannabe Lolita" etc. i also noticed good Lolitas are called "Loli" and bad Lolita are called "ita". Loli-ita =Loliita - 1 i and it is Lolita but- that could just be a coincidence. i have never met anyone else who said that meant anything]

anyway, i love the Oshare Kei style. but i am just not the type of person who wears bright and colorful things- so i made my own style.

Gothic Oshare Kei.

it is just and fun and adorable and Oshare kei, just with a black and white [sometimes red or purple too. dark colors people!] color combination as well.

[i also wear "Sweet Gothic Lolita" meaning i buy outfits that were made for sweet but get them made in black and white :3]

here are a couple of my outfits, i only wore Gothic Oshare Kei to Ohayocon if you saw me.

except on Saturday before the rave. then i was in Moi-meme-Moitie, the ONLY EGL brand.

all other brands that claim to be EGL are pieces of shit- and i hope Mana barfs on them.


[absolute Gothic Oshare Kei]

[my faces are not posed in most of these so i blacked them out~]



[toned down but still in the fashion range]



that skirt needs some puff under it.



  1. i really like your clothes. especially the skirts. @___@
    where do you get them?

  2. rofl i am cheap, i only have like 4 skirts.
    i get them off eBay or- because is the style right now- the mall. when you see a puffy black[whatever color] skirt at the mall though, make sure it is the right length.
    you do not want to get home and find out it does not even cover your ass.
    because that is the style right now too, slutty.
