i want to make a new blogspot, will you follow me to my new one?

donate please~

any and all donations are appreciated. all detonators of $30+ will get a half batch of baked goods or a simple set of false nails. please contact me through MySpace to discuss what you would like in return + your address.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

WTF nail update

the WTF nail update.
ahahah, i did something /weird/

first off, this is what my nails look like when the polish is removed.
or most of it, the grey tint is not there when they are fully cleaned. my nail polish remover is weak.

second, this is how the nail that had broken off is healing, or healed. i put a false nail over it. the | shows where the real nail is.

this is what it looked like when it was torn off, back in September.
the false nail was not the reason my nail was torn off, btw. it was because i was working in an animal shelter and being /really/ rough with my hands.


and lastly,
this is what i did to my nails.
i just kind... went.
they are really ugly, IMO. like, not ugly, but DANG
who the heck would do this?
one hand

both hands

if you /want/ to know how i did this, i will explain

Products :
black nail polish,
pink sparkle nail polish,
white sparkle nail polish [it is the blue looking sparkles]
top coat,
silver sparkle design brush polish

two coats of the clear coat on your nails,
followed by two coats of black.
a single coat of the pink sparkles.
then cover a small bit with the black nail polish again.
fill in the black you just made with the white sparkles.
and outline the border.
then another two coats of clear.
really easy.
really weird.
i guess they would be cool for like, rave/new years party?

once these are dry i am going to bed.

Acrylic Vs Gel nails

because of the person in my comment box, i looked up some acrylic and gel nail information.
i have been doing acrylic nails for years, but have never seen or had gel ones.
so i got informed.

Pros of Acrylic Nails

  • If you break an acrylic nail you can almost always fix it temporarily and rather easily yourself.
  • The removal process is simple and straightforward if done by a professional. The nails can be soaked rather than filed off.
  • Acrylics are very strong. When done correctly and good nail care is practiced, they can last a long time. They’re robust!

Pros of Gel Nails

  • Gel nails often look more natural and glossy than other types of cosmetic nails.
  • The curing time is faster than acrylics, sometimes clocking in at just two minutes when light-curing is done.
  • Gel nail mixtures are odorless.
  • There is less filing involved during the application process.

Cons of Acrylic Nails

  • They can damage your real nails in a harsher manner than gel nails can.
  • Acrylics can look fake instead of natural and they can look even worse when done incorrectly.
  • It can be hard to grow out acrylic nails.

Cons of Gel Nails

  • They don’t last as long and are less durable than acrylic, even though they tend to cost more.
  • Gel nails are harder to do yourself if you like to do home manicures.
  • It’s been noted that nail polish won’t stick to the gel finish as well as it does to an acrylic finish.
  • If a gel nail breaks, you may be in for some trouble. It can sometimes be more of a shatter effect than a clean break, so self-fixing a break is not usually an option. You’ll need to make an appointment right away with your manicurist. Sometimes they do break cleanly; basic nail glue could be used in that case.
  • Gel nails almost always need to be filed off. You can’t just soak them away.
information copied from

gel nail french tip

acrylic nail french tip

my judging?? acrylic nails win.

why? they last longer, hold polish better, if you remove the correctly they are less damaging, they cost less, and they are easier to DIY.
i personally feel they look the same.

a few days ago i made a post saying the day was amazing.

today was so much more.
i cannot say much, but i have not been this happy in a really long time.
sine July 1st of o9
[the day i met Aoi, btw]
O w O
so happy.
i am so happy!

-sighs happily-

i am going job hunting tomorrow.
wish me luck.

Gothic Gem Cross nail tutorial

thank you for letting me do your nails, Aoi.
[his nails are real, btw]

Products :
Dial-A-Gem nail gem wheel
clear nail polish
mechanical pencil [a tooth pick works]

exist†trace - re-prologue

i know i said i would do my nails tonight, too.
but the nail polish remover i have is really weak so it does not take off the silvery sparkle stuff well.
[plus it is hard to get off, you will need to file it in some areas. all sparkles/gems are like this]
so i will get a new video up of my X nail design on Wednesday, i think.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dolly Eye Grey circle lenses review and FQ&A

feel free to ask me questions here too.

this is what my contacts look like, both the grey and green.

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and the outfit i was wearing in the video.

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without circle lenses


what they look like in the case

Sunday, January 17, 2010

new nail tutorial tomorrow! [and old nail designs]

i am going to make a new tutorial tomorrow, because these nails keep turning pink.
i just dyed my hair a deeper red, and i tangle my hands in my hair when i sleep. so they keep turning pink.
so annoying!

so i just thought i would let you know and show you some of my old designs.
[i have had a lot but my computers hard drive was wiped clean so i only have pix 2 of my old designs :C]

trying to replicate this design is what actually taught me the french tip trick.
i accidentally made one too thick and was too lazy to fix it.

my current design, you can kind of see the pink tint.

a really old design, one of my nails fell off at the shelter. it was not because of the fake nail, it was because i was being way to rough with them. do not do hard labor with nails this long.

sorry for the awful quality.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


hello, ya'll.
i am in need of some moohlah right now. not really, but i want it.
and i was talking to my friend Doll about how i could make some.
another not really, she just told me i should do this.
so starting soon i will be making and selling nails.
i will do custom designs but i will not do nails so annoying you cannot even open a soda with them.
sorry if you like those, i think they are annoying as hell.

i will be setting up a paypal in the near future and will make an account on esty.com

people who donate money, nail supplies, cooking utensils, or things off my wish list to me will get free gifts.
such as baked goods or simple nails.
[unless you buy me something nice from my wish list, in which case i will make you really nice nails]

my wish list will not be available for the public until i have a job and can afford a P.O. box
just letting you know what is coming up in the future.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

rofl today was a-m-a-z-i-n-g

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today was amazing.

Aoi and i went shopping we looked really cute and i did not hate my hair even though it is ugly as poop.

one thing i adore about children is they have no idea wtf i am. they do not know what to think. they think i am natural. they do not know what hair dye is, colored contacts.

i was talking to Aoi and we decided children come up with monsters based on people like us. especially him with his white/black hair and red eyes. ahahaha

[i will upload a picture of us together later when Aoi watermarks it. fucking fakes make it so difficult for him to show his face online]

anyway, we went to the mall and got some shopping done, i got my car back and blahblahblah we had a good time at the mall.

then we went to Petsmart because we are addicted to small animals [or i am] and one of the workers came up to me and said "you are just so cute, are you cosplaying someone from an anime?

and i saw my BFF Lilths BFFs parents.


then my mother called me and my extensions came.

i will dye them tonight.

Aoi wont let me wear them around him but i will wear them to work and stuff.


uhm, idk what else good happened today. but today made me happy.

maybe it is because my outfit was just so damn cute.

i might make a tutorial on how to dye hair extensions. because it is kind of difficult. more so manic panic because everyone knows manic panic is a bitch.


DIY black/silver french tip tutorial

disclaimer, Charlotte Charm is NOT a professional. and has never taken any formal or informal classes on nail care or design. anything she says is purely opinion and NOT a fact. all techniques used were either made up by Charlotte Charm or learned by watching a professional.

and please remember, i am not bossy, my ideas are just better.

today, we are going to do my first tutorial.
[or my second, but we will never revisit the first~]

today, we are going to do a two colored french tip.
it takes as little as 10 minutes [without the dry time]

[the diamond belt is a little hard to see, but IRL it is not i promise. it is well worth adding! if you want it to pop more use a different colored gem. i should have used lilac :CCC]

i have had acrylic nails on and off since 9th grade, i would be in 12th grade now but i dropped out.
[shut up i have my GED]
and i am simply disgusted by how much they charge for designs that are so easy to do yourself.
granted you will spend 20$+ on design supplies, but if a french tip runs you 5$, and then a rhinestone is another 1$ per stone, it WILL add up.
a fill where i go is 15$, i am usually charged 20-25$ because of the designs i add.
[i come up with all my own designs, usually, i draw them and would have the nail techs do it. i do not like flower designs, nor do i know how to do them]

start off with perfectly manicured acrylic nails with a SINGLE color of your choice.
i chose black.


the reason acrylic nails > real nails is the color will not chip. ever. unless you are magically able to do the most dumb thing ever. acrylic nails will fall off from time to time, but not if you take proper care of them. were as ALL real nails chip. mine used to chip within the first few /hours/ of doing them.
same for my poor Mommy who got a manicure for the first time in a long time. did a little cooking and cleaning, and bam. ruined.

you will need only 5 things to do this,
two different colors of nail design paint.
the color you want your french tip to be
[this only works if the color is infused with sparkles. such as the silver i am using]
the color your nail is all ready painted.
[to cover up any mistakes you may or may not make]
top coat
[obvious reasons]
a mechanical pencil
[used to place gems, you can use a tooth pic]
and gems
[i have a full color wheel now O w O 10$ at Sally's Beauty Supply]

[for spasific product names please look at video description.]

as you can tell i have all ready done my right hand, i did them with my left. my dominate hand is my right hand. i did not have to use the black design polish to fix it.
go me.

start by drawing an X on your nails.

i am so sorry, i had planned on having a photo tutorial as well as a video but my video skips in all the wrong places to get a decent screen shot.

i learned this trick when i tried to replicate something my nail tech did for me before i started doing it myself. but i made the lines WAY to thick and saw that it was nearly a french tip.
so i just french tipped myself.
super easy and super adorable.

after you have the X, fill in the blank spaces and carefully draw the line for where the french tip starts. do not worry about messing up, you can cover minor flaws with the same color as your nail nail design brush. and for large mistakes- you can start over.
it is just nail polish.

do this to all nails, obvi.

i always do my thumb last because my thumb knocks into things the most.

to apply the gems place a healthy helping of clear nail polish to the area you wish to apply them, i chose to apply them as a belt dividing the two colors on my ring fingers.
take the pencil [make sure it has no lead] and rub it on the clear nail polishes brush, so it has some on it as well.
open your circle to the color of gems you want [i chose clear square ones] and place them.
i reapply clear nail polish half way through because it will not hold as well to tacky nail polish as fresh.
[if you do not know what i mean please just watch the video. it is hard to explain. it took me years of watching my nail techs to do this. and my gems still fall off sometimes when i do it myself]

when finished apply a large amount of clear nail polish to your nails.
the thicker the better, but also the thicker the longer it takes to dry.

wait at least 10 minutes to do anything [except type~] and TADA
amazing nails for .001% of the price.


ps, do not wear a long sleeved shirt when you do this.
it is really annoying.

yesterday was supposed to kick start /everything/

but it turned out to be one the worst days i have had in a really long time.

it started out fine, Aoi and i were late getting into GR but it did not really matter.
we had Burger King and enjoyed our time together because we have not been spending much of that lately.

i dropped him off at my mothers home so i could go do the things i needed to get done.
i did my nails, bought the stuff i needed for my hair and went to the post office.
and of course, my extensions had not arrived.
i was pissed.
because i do not go into GR that often and now i have to go again.
[well i have to anyway, you will see]
but Aoi's shirt had so i was not that angry.

by then it was too late for me to do my own hair so i just took Aoi to Becky's
[even though it is not really Becky's anymore. it is now managed by a girl name Terra. it is just a Hair Masters, btw]
on the way i told him how my extensions had not come and i was upset- and he got a little mad because i had not even told him i bought extensions. he hates hair extensions.
but we got over it because we love each other and that is just how true friends are.

after we got his hair done i did mine and we planned to go to the mall.

my muffler falls off at one end.
so i had to drive with it dragging for half an hour from Becky's to my mothers.
i have had anxiety about driving my entire life, i cannot drive past a truck or behind one without my heart racing. how do you think a broken and dragging muffler makes me feel?
[it was like 6pm right then]

so i called my mother to ask her what to do and she told me to call the repair shop.
all the repair men left at 6.

so i do the only thing i know to do and call my friend, who helps me put the muffler back on well enough that it wont drag. but the sound drove me to tears.

my mother said she would not come home to help me and was going to go to a basketball game instead.
at the time i did not really care- i knew she would help me when she got home.
so Aoi and i went to a movie with my friend.

we went to Daybreakers
it was terrible.

anyway, after my friend dropped Aoi and i off back at my mothers i went to talk to her.

she refused to help me.
it was 12am now.

all i asked was that i barrow her car for the night, not even a day, so i could feed my dog.
[imagine being locked in a room without reason and not being fed for 24 hours. that is what happened to my dog.]

i told her i would take her car out, then come back in the morning so she could go to work and everything. i just needed to get out there that night.

she refused.

[take note she bought a new car right after telling me i could not have a new USED car. because mine is "safe, well maintained, and reliable". this is the second repair i have NEEDED since i started using it. the first one cost nearly or over one thousand dollars. i do not remember which :3]

she told me to drive 45 minutes to Ferrysburg and back the next day-
instead of letting me take her car to Ferrysburg, get a little sleep, come back in the morning and let her go to work WITH HER CAR[not asking her to use mine even] and do what she needed to do then take my car to the shop and get it fixed.
[45 each way. more like 60 at how slow i did drive when i had to]
i just needed it for the night. literally the night.

i ended up leaving and attempting to drive my car and ended up in near tears on the road.
i knew i could not drive it so i drove as slow as physically possible to my fathers house.

not only did he let me barrow his car, but he got mine fixed.
i am going to pick it up later today.

i have always thought my dad was lazy and irresponsible, but at least he is there for me when i really need it.

by the time i got home it was 3:30am.

i have been going to bed at 9-11pm lately.

-shakes head-

so i will post my tutorial on nails either later today or tomorrow.
i just wanted to bitch to someone.


Monday, January 11, 2010

♡ Charlotte's guide to feet care ♡

so we all know, feet, not exactly the most pretty thing on the planet.
but i have a couple of tips and tricks to make them a little /less/ ugly.

now i am not the most rabid high heal wearer, but most [all] of my platforms have a heal. and cause a toe "bump" on the baby toe.
this is caused by two things,
the toe being crushed against the shoe and rubbing, causing the skin to be tougher so it does not get irritated.
and the fact that a lot of weight is pushed onto it.

those are really the same reason, but i made them two.

anyway, if you really do not like the toe bump you will simply have to stop wearing high heals and/or pointy toed shoes.
buy wide fit shoes, even if you do not have wide feet.
i do, and i wear regular shoes, so my toes are malformed.

another problem caused by high heals of pointy toed shoes is your toes go from normal
|' ' ' ' '|
[hahahah that is a foot]
to /'''''\
how sad and gross.

if you want to fix smooshed toes there are a couple of ways to do it.
the cheap way, and the way with real products.
i have found the way of real products makes more of a difference.

here is what you do-
if you put cotton balls between your toes for 10+ minutes once a day your toes will be stretched back to their original size, a little bit at least.

however, there are real toe spacers that work /much/ better.
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this is for people who wear pointy toed shoes especially.

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and then there are individual toe spacers, like this.

both, to my knowledge, work well.

i have only used a product similar to the individual toe spacer, made by PetEgg, but i cannot find a picture.
it is a blue gel toe insert that looks like [][][][][] basically.
my mother found it at Bed Bath and Beyond.
after 10 minutes, oh my goodness, it was so wonderful.
and my toes looked much less squished.

moving on, i do not do anything as far as pumice stones go.
i just do not need them.
but if you do focus on the main areas that you put your weight on.
do not know where you put your weight on?
here is an easy way to figure it out.

what you will need :
any color finger paint
a roll of paper

cover your entire foot in the finger paint, and roll out the paper in front of you,
and, walk.
just walk.
depending on where the paint is thickest or most full is wear you put most of your pressure and where you will have the most callus like build up.
as well, it is were you have the most tension- so if you get a foot massage- focus there.

last but not least- pretty toe nails.
i find there to be NO NEED for acrylic toe nails. unless you are a rabid sandal wearer.
i am not, i never wear them. not even in the summer.

but i still take decent care of my toe nails, because i just love nails.

it is important to have a good buffer, get one with four labeled sides.
side 1 - even out
side 2 - smooth
side 3 - buff
side 4 - shine

NEVER scrub at the nail back and forth with the even out side, this causes tears within the nails fiber and will only make them break faster.
DO NOT do it with a nail file either. same result.

after buffing and shaping each nail appropriately place cotton balls or pedicure toe spacers on each foot
[this will actually give you your toe spacer for the day if you take long enough]
apply one thick coat or two thin coats of clear nail polish, this will fill in any little cracks your buffer could not reach. and will help the polish last longer.

next, apply your color. wait until it is semi-dry to apply the next coat or it will turn into a tar like gel and will not dry appropriately.
[this is only true with cheaper nail polishes, though]
after your color has slightly dried apply your desired design.
or not.
then apply a top coat, either one thick or two thin again.

i never stress about only putting it on my toe nails, because i shower after i do my toes and scrub my feet extra good.
that way, my /entire/ nail is covered and my feet are a little tiny bit softer.

but that is just me, i am not big on pedicures.
you can do them if you wish.

and remember, keep your polishes in a room around 70 degrees,
extreme heat and cold can damage them, make them thicker and just bad for painting.

if you have questions about anything feel free to ask.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


i am officially signed up, have my hotel for Ohayocon 2010
look out for me and Aoi.
we will only attend panels and dealers room on Saturday. otherwise we will just be walking around.

i plan to be wearing EGL and Gothic Lolita, as well as random outfits because i love it.
and Aoi will most likely be in gothic attire as always.

feel free to come hang out with us. [and give us food~]
however, i know for a /fact/ this con has a high chance of drama.
there are a lot of people there who do not like me, and i do not much care for them.
[everyone in the Michigan, Ohio, Illinois area knows each other. what a pain]
if you attempt to start any you will get a 7lb platform up your smug little tooshy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

UPCOMING - two color french tip turtorial.

this is the closest picture to what i do that i could find,
i know it has been done by other people but i have /no/ idea what they call it.
i call it a two color french tip.

i plan on getting my nails done [filled and painted solid black] on Wednesday, if all goes right.
then i will do the video that night.

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[note this is not what it looks like when i do it. it actually looks like a french tip not whatever the hell this is. but this is two colored so you get the idea?]

i will be doing a black nail with silver sparkle french tip and maybe a rhinestone but i haven't decided yet.
[i most likely will, i love rhinestones]
i have done it in the past i will look for a picture of how it looks when /i/ do it.

if you want to do this as well you will need the fallowing-
[i do it a different way then most salons]
long nails painted ONE color
sparkle nail design polish
[this way does not work with not sparkle infused colors, they are not thick enough and come out really cheap looking]
the same color as your nail polish nail design brush
top coat
2 rhinestones

k i will post the video soon.
-pains my toes-

i kept looking for pictures because i am a good blogger for you people and i got inspired
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this is an amazingingly well down two color french tip. but the nails are press on fake so they are terrible.
however, this is how my nails will look except the colors will be black+silver
and i have decided to put a rhinestone belt across only my ring finger.
[a rhinestone belt is what you see above on those nails, fyi]

i also found a literal TWO COLORED french tip.
as in the french tip was black and silver and the lower part of the nail was plain.
i will be doing that next.
i hate when i get inspired by nails.
so many ideas, so few fingers.

once upon a time i decorated each nail completely different based on all the ideas in my head.
[i do usually come up with my own designs ahahaha]

i am really going to paint my toe nails now.
or not.
some time tonight.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

i just did the most stupid thing on the planet

i was flailing around and i smacked myself in the face with my laptop.
i have a cut on the bridge of my nose now.
will show pix soon because it's kind of hilarious.
but also gave me a horrid headache.
i was just about over my headache stuff, too.

i swear every time i want to start this blog again-

i die.
i just recovered from the flu.

on December 31 i went to Grand Rapids to see my mom for a bit, then i came home. i woke up the next morning at like, early, and was okay-ish. but still not the best.
the next day- oh my my my i died.
i was simply unable to move.
and from then January 1st[2nd really] to January 5th[today] i was dead.
i laid on a futon, with not soft pillows at all, for days.
now that i realize the dates, it wasn't actually that long. but when you lay in the same spot falling asleep for a few hours at a time it seems like you're there forever.

i threw up every once and awhile,
and then when i finally felt well enough to shower- i threw up again.
what a waste of clean.

i looked terrible, i still do.
but w/e i need to redye my hair.
i soaked in the shower so i bled like a rotting corpse.

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w/e i'm better now, i better be able to go out and do things tomorrow or i am not going to be a happy Charlotte.

there are dear outside my house, i want to ride them.
i want to ride horses.

Friday, January 1, 2010


you know what i did for the new year?

i spend all December 30th awake, starting at 9pm [rofl i suck, i know] then at 11am i drove back to Grand Rapids.
i packed some more stuff from my house then cleaned the basement that Aoi and i had messed up so bad.
he didn't come, though, i wanted to spend time with mom alone.
then at like, 1-1:30 mom got home and we went grocery shopping.
then i called my childhood BFF Lilith and apparently she'd been trying to get a hold of me for EVER. i felt so bad.
but we exchanged christmas presents, she got me a teddy bear from a copy that makes baby toys.
she knows me oh so well.
then after that i went home and hung out with mom for like 10 seconds more and then i came back here.

then i slept.
i kept waking up every few hours, it was so annoying. i bet it was the dog but idk.
now it's 6am, January 1st, 2010.

we have to unpack the car still.