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Thursday, October 1, 2009

acrylic nails

acrylic nails are most likely my favorite cosmetic application, they are beautiful and fun. and so so versatile. whatever you can imagine can be done, and whatever you want will be done. if you do to the right place.

so let's start with that- picking a salon.

i don't care how racist this is- Asian salons only. i have had white people do my nails, i've had asians do my nails, and honestly i have never seen a white salon with electric files. and you NEED electric files. so- the first thing you look for is asians.

next, pricing, today i got a fill, french tip, and design, it was 23$ do NOT pay more than 23$ for a fill and design.
they charge 15$ for a fill, 5$ for a french tip, and 5$ for design. but they love me so they only charged me 3$ for my design.
i don't know how much a full set is- i don't remember. i haven't gotten one in so long since i just get fills.

next you will look for friendly-ness, go during the rush and see if they smile and tell you they'll be with you in a minute, and if they're rude just leave.

try a few different salons, go to one and get a pedicure, go to another and get a manicure, go to another and get your eyebrows waxed. anything so you can find which salon suits you.

the one here at our mall, Woodland Mall in Grand Rapids, is shit. i hate it there.
i also hate the salon i went to in Mitchell. but the one in Ada, called Ada Nails, is my absolute favorite.

once you've found your salon NEVER CHEAT ON IT.
it's just wrong.
don't go to a new salon unless you absolutely have to. like if you're out of town for over 2-4 weeks. [i usually get my nails done every 2 weeks. but you can go up to 4.]

here are some FQA about acrylic nails

Are they damaging for your real nail?
no, not if cared for properly. meaning getting them re-done every 2-4 weeks. of course if you do take them off once put on your nail under where the acrylic nail will be weak and not very pretty. but it will grow back the exact same as it was.

Are they expensive?
not if you find a good salon, Asian salons honestly cost less as well. and have higher quality.

Can i do it myself?
i know a few people who do- i think it's fine. if you know how. you shouldn't practice on yourself, or on anyone else. get a dummy hand. and actually learn. they do LEGALLY have to go to school for this. it is difficult.

What's the difference between this and press on nails?
press on nails are shit- they are just glued to your nail and aren't shaped to your nail or strong at all.

How do you get acrylic nails? what's the process?
you start off with a white nail glued to the end of your nail. like a press on, but with super glue and only where your nail starts to grow white. they then cut it down to the length you want- followed by putting the acrylic or gel on top depending on what you want. they then shape it correctly to your nail, with an electric file. then they paint it.

Do electric files hurt?
sometimes they do, but very rarely. and not very much.

Do acrylic nails hurt?
the first time you get them they will hurt a little bit, only around where your nail and skin meet. it's usually gone by the morning after you get them.

How long do they last?
they will stay on until you peel them off. if you take care of them that is. [they will fall off sometimes if you use your hands a lot]
you have to get them "filled" every 2-4 weeks. a fill is when they put more acrylic or gel between the first one and where it has grown. i get mine every 2 weeks because i hate seeing them grown out at all. but i have gone 4 weeks with only one nail falling off due to wear and tear.

i can't think of any other questions people have asked me.
if you have one just ask in comments.
here is my before and after of today's nails.


and here is my hair cut.

that's all for today.


  1. You're wearing a Batman sweatshirt, and the hair looks really nice!

  2. i love my batman sweatshirt, and i really like my new hair. with my weave it is longer in the front. down to my breasts. c:
