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Saturday, October 10, 2009

facial waxing and pedicures

waxing, a word that by itself strikes fear into the heart of most women and men, even those who have undergone the melted pleasure.
but truly, i find it to be enjoyable and tingly. i always love the feeling of "freshness" after i get my eyebrows waxed.

today i got a pedicure with my mother, i also had my eyebrows waxed. a normal thing for me to do. once every 2/4 weeks. i pluck at home, but i'm not very good. i always end up thinning my eyebrows out even more.
but i did something today i've never done, i waxed my upper lip. i have always been worried about it, i have dark hair naturally. eyebrows, arm hair, leg hair, stomach hair even. and of course, a stash.
though it wasn't so noticeable that i'd ever plucked or photoshopped it out it was noticeable to me.
and the woman who waxed my eyebrows because she suggested it.

personally, i don't find waxing to hurt. i pluck my legs if i miss a hair or two shaving, and it doesn't hurt. i have waxed my eyebrows off fully to draw them on for a makeup thing i was trying[i'm not good at that] and obvi i wax my brows all the time.

i'm excited to see what leg waxing feels like, i'm told by people who have done it it's not so bad.
but my mom, who is terrified of the idea, says i'll most likely cry.
x3 that'll be up tuesday~
and i promise i'll actually get pix.

now, here is how waxing works. depending on where you go it will vary slightly. but not much.

they cover your eyebrows in a fine white powder, idk what it is. most likely baby powder really. to protect the skin so the wax doesn't pull it off. but it will still irritate your skin some~
followed by... the wax. it's hot to the touch but not burning, they should touch/blow on it to make sure of this.
then a thin piece of cloth on top of the wax and it's pulled off in the opposite direction of how your hair grows.
repeat until eyebrows are done.
after it's finished they put oil on your forehead to restore moisture.
or where ever on your face you had waxed.

ta-da all done.

now, as far as my facial waxing tips go-
don't go if you have acne on where you want waxed.
don't wear makeup, you do tear up a little.
don't tense your face, relax.
keep your eyes closed!

i also know, from reading, that if your getting your bikini/brazilian done NOT to go the week before or after your period. you are more sensitive then.

no pictures because i think feet are super ugly and i don't know no one to see mine.
i got them painted a soft pink color, everything about me is black except my toe nails. ahahahaha!

they start by removing the cuticles, your feet soak for a few minutes, followed by a cuticle oil then they use a special tool to cut them off. [i might be out of order here]they then exfoliate your legs with a very abrasive exfoliating salt, do NOT shave your legs before you go. it can burn- really bad. first hand experience~ and don't feel bad if your leg hair is really long, the asians wont judge.
[again, asian salon only. they're the best and care for your feets <333]
they use a very hard sponge on your feet to exfoliate them, with a moisturizing cream. it does tickle, try not to move.
they then use just lotion on your entire leg and then clean off your toes and paint. base coat, two coats of color, and a top coat.
this lasts months, if you're not rough with your feet[wear close toes shoes mostly]
that's about it, pedicures are a great way to relax.
i love them.
i don't get them often because i never show my feet in public anyway.
only when they're really ugly.

i'd just like to add, to all you girls out there with hairy bods- don't be ashamed.
i shave my toes, legs, [cough] privets, stomach, arms, arm pits, and my fingers.
i hate hair, i hate how it looks, and feel, so i just shave it.
who cares.
no one is all that pretty under their makeup [okay, i am ^OO^] but no one needs to know that.
don't hide your "flaws" embrace them. make them beautiful.
and remember, nothing is more beautiful than a confident woman.
[but cocky girls get the boot]

oct ??? - GED testing
oct 13 - leg waxing
oct ??? - halloween shopping
oct ??? - wig shopping
oct 29 - Anime Convention youmacon


  1. oh~
    i'm wondering what kind of products you use on your face?
    acne and otherwise, i mean.

  2. i use just an exfoliating face wash, and when i can find it [which is rare] spot zit treatment. and sometimes makeup removing wipes. i have rather good skin naturally. just when i don't shower often enough or get sweaty[like i did in SD] i get zits. and they're being stubborn!

  3. whatever is in a pink bottle, btw. idc what it is as long as it's in a pink bottle. <33

  4. ahah, i like the pink bottle advice x3
