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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

leg waxing

today i got my legs waxed for the first time, i plan on making this a regular routine for me. [money allowed] no more razors for my legs~
it's not a very painful experience, just time consuming and a little costly.
55$ is a cheap rate for leg waxing, 15$ per leg up to the knee, then 30$ for a full leg is what most salons charge.
or that's what i've seen.

anyway, the room was very nice. just a bed, like a massage table. so it's high enough for her to get to me- there were scented candles in the room as well as a waterfall. the waterfall to me made it sound like it was raining. i was like "how would you know if it is raining?!"
her whole house was nice, though. candles everywhere, a spiral stair case, a trampoline outside, and an RV[i want one, so does my mommy~] it was a beautiful house. even though it was in construction mode right them. redoing the fireplace.

oh! how do you know it's safe to go to a persons HOUSE? well she's Becky's friend. she does Becky's bikini line. so they're close. Becky is my hair dresser, if you forgot. love her~

okay, anyway, next up~
we went down to her little spa room and she explained how it's very rare to have dark AND thin hair. which is what i have. i was like, yup, thin hair, thin thin thin -hate- i hate that i have thin hair. but apparently it's better for waxing. i don't know what thick hair does when waxed, it didn't apply to me. so i can't help you if you have thick or course leg hair. but she said "if you have thick or course leg hair you wont get the result you want"
she put a small patch of wax on my leg and my anxiety flipped, she said it wouldn't be bad if my eyebrows/lip weren't a problem.
she ripped it off and ta-da hairless.
i didn't even flinch.

she continued to do the rest of my legs, what most people do will be the lower leg, then the knee, and the thigh. only the front. the "front" is more the actual front then both sides. leaving a strip in the back.
she moved on to the other leg, and it wasn't awkward at all. granted, she moved my skirt around, moved my panties so she wouldn't get wax on them, it was a little weird. but she was really friendly and not... weird.
[leg wax goes up the bikini line]

we talked about a lot of things, her daughter who is going into 7th grade waxed her own legs! she didn't apply the wax herself, but she pulled out all her own hair. i can't imagine doing that. because it doesn't hurt /that/ bad but it does hurt. i plan on doing it "myself" when i move in with my friend. he can wax my legs, much less expensive.
as well she used to work at a salon that did man brazillian waxes, and hair backs, and all gross stuff! she hated it so she quit and works out of her basement and as a home cleaner.
she does massage, all types of waxing[women only~] and i think she does facials too.

the process of waxing is simple, you lie on your back and are waxed.
she'll tilt your leg to get to everything, and then do the other leg, ankle up.
then she rubs you with a lotion that removes any excess wax so that you wont get stuck-
funny story that she told me about this. a woman tried to wax her own Brazilian and got... stuck together. if you catch my drift~ she then went into the bath to try to get it off and got stuck to the tub.
she had to pick the wax off, basically ripping the hair out slowly and painfully and rubbing the de-wax lotion all over her cootch.
wonderful huh?
okay anyway, she waxes the back of your legs and ta-da all done.
it takes about one hour.

it's now 9:15pm, i started my wax at 1pm[so finished at 2pm] and my legs are still a tiny bit red.
not like my skin is read, but my follicles are. it goes away completely in 24 hours but she said it should be less for me since my skin didn't get red from the wax.
so we'll see when i wake up.
it's almost gone already.

facts of waxing-
hair should be grown out for 6 weeks before waxing,
hair grows in three stages, you should to be in the third to wax
wax will not get all the air if it's not all grown out- hair in the 1st stage will not come out
you can't just go get waxed and walk out with perfect skin- your skin will be irritated after
you shouldn't put lotion on freshly waxed legs, or for 24 hours after. you don't want to clog your pours
don't get a pedicure after you wax your legs, the exfoliating scrub with BURN
don't shave off nair[not a waxing tip, just something she said she did when she was little and it ruined her idea of nair and hasn't used it since]
don't use strip wax on your bikini or brizillian, don't let someone use that on you, use cream wax

that's all i think
if you live in the Grand Rapids/Lowell/Charlotte area [there is a city called Charlotte near me x3] i can give you her number.


  1. how long before your hair grows back? o:

  2. you wax your leg every 4-6 weeks depending on how fast your hair grows. and you can't shave in between. c:

  3. Go girl! Beauty comes with time, money, and effort. I salute you for surviving waxing.
