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Sunday, October 11, 2009


one thing that has always been a large part of my life is Halloween, from Nightmare Before Christmas to dressing up, all the way to trick-or-treating. i have never felt more happy than i do in the fall when the leaves are orange and the air is crisp.

and i am not the only one in this family who loves Halloween, my mother and i have always shared an obsession over this holiday, and if either of us had friends i'm sure we'd actually throw parties for it.
but since neither of us do- we decorate. not so much over the top for everyone else, but we spend a lot of money on simple things.

when i was a child i would watch Nightmare before Christmas about 3-7 times a week, i still do about once a week. but i show my love for it more through merchandise.
sweatshirts, pajama pants, dolls, snow globes, piano sheet music, kitchen set, plates, collectors DVDs and my new favorite- our town.
mom didn't know how many she ordered when she ordered them, but we have 13 pieces now.
the rest were in an area that was too dark to take pix, they are visible but my phone doesn't pick up on light very well.
they all light up, but none are plugged in right now. and they all come with one or two figures. as well those lights, the pumpkin ones that are standing like street lights, light up.
it's so neat.
i plan to get a large glass table that is like a case so i can keep the town up always.
my snowglobes need a place to go as well.

anyway, Halloween has always been my favorite. not only because of my sweet tooth, but because i get to wear whatever i like and no one looks at me strangely. no one cares. it's full acceptance and even some pride in being so well dressed.
i don't mind if people hate what i wear, i don't- but i adore being complimented on it. and i get more on Halloween than any other time in the year.
except cons...

anyway, NBC is not my only Disney passion, i also have Disney Princess bath towels, shower curtain, calendar, tissues, boxes, coloring books, a bunch of things. but my new favorite is~
it's cheesy and made for PCs so some buttons don't have stickers. but it's cute.

we have cheesy halloween decorations too.

we don't have many outdoor decorations, we look rather normal still. but idk why, i guess it's because we only spend big money on my NBC stuff. so no 40$ skeletons/gravestones for our yard.
when i have my own house <333

my mom and i had a coversation about what was scarier, ghosts of skeletons, we both decided ghosts were and that if i a skeleton attacked us we'd be more concerned with the smell.


  1. are you dressing up? pictures? >w<

  2. i don't dress up as anything like, as someone else, but i do dress up more interestingly than i would because i can wear my expensive clothes. i'll take a lot of pictures.

    i'm going wig shopping sometime this/next week and halloween clothes/accessory shopping so i'll get lots.

  3. awesome!! :3

    /enjoys reading your blog even though she doesn't talk to you c:

  4. x333 aww that's so kind of you.
    we can talk if you'd like.
    just send me your MSN/AIM
